Online Giving

Thank you so much for your desire to support our church!

In the Bible, we are called to worship God in all areas of our lives, including the way we manage our money. In fact, the money we have is His anyway. We are just managers of what He has entrusted to us.

God has already given us the greatest gift of all time, his son Jesus Christ! As a result, the regular sacrifice we make for our church should be a reminder of the sacrifice that was already made on our behalf. As believers, we should give regularly, cheerfully, and sacrificially.

As a result of your financial support, our church is able to minister effectively in our city and around the world. And, we promise to use your gifts the right way. We will operate with responsible budgets, faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of The Brook remains above reproach.

So again, thank you for your desire to support our church, and thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to our Lord. We are so grateful for your generosity.


In order to create an account in our system, please be sure to check the box for "Save Account" on the page that asks for your payment information.

Our church does not do designated giving. When you give to our church, your gifts go into the General Fund, which goes towards everything in our operating budget (worship, discipleship, ministries, missions, administrative costs, etc.). When you give, there is a section for "notes." These notes are optional, and they are available for your record keeping. However, please do not use these notes to try and designate your funds.

You can view the fees we pay for payment processing HERE. This document will help you maximize your gift to our church.