Global Missions Opportunities

Jesus told his disciples, "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) We are incredibly excited to let you know about several opportunities this year to GROW in your faith and to GO for the sake of the gospel. 


There are 2 opportunities to take the Perspectives class this spring. Beginning Tuesday night, January 16, 6:00-9:00 PM. Perspectives is a 15-lesson course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. There will also be a Wednesday morning class (9:30-Noon) that begins January 17. Well over 100 people from The Brook have been through Perspectives over the years. We will be hosting the class here on our campus in the fall of 2024. This class will open your eyes and ignite your heart with God's vision and love for the world. REGISTER now!


Also, we are very excited to have multiple opportunities for teams from The Brook to GO into the mission field to share the hope of the gospel. One of our pastors or elders will be attending, if not leading, each of our mission trips. Here is a brief overview of our 2024 Missions Opportunities:

Uganda [Level 2] – June 2024 – Hosted by E3, Led by Chip Woosley [Pastor]

Traveling to Mbarara, Uganda, our team will share the gospel and assist local pastors in following up with new disciples of Christ. *Weekly training begins 6-8 weeks before trip. [10-11 days]

Memphis [Level 1] – July 2024 – Hosted by Street Reach, Led by Chip Woosley [Pastor]

Join our Student Ministry as they travel to Memphis to work with Street Reach. Our teams will host Backyard Bible clubs, share the gospel with children, and serve families in need in the community. [6 days]

India [Level 3] – November 2024 – Hosted by E3, Led by Jon Muccitelli [Pastor]

We will be joining E3, traveling back to India to share the gospel. Almost a quarter of the people on earth live in India, yet, less than 1% of the population are Christians, with millions who have never heard the name of Jesus or the gospel. While this trip requires much sacrifice, both of time and money, it is also life-changing. We have seen entire villages come to faith, and generations of families freed from walking in darkness. The gospel is spreading, the church is growing, and the Kingdom is advancing in this country that has been trapped in darkness for centuries. If you are interested in joining the E3 team, click HERE to learn more or to register today.  [November 7-17] 

Level 1 – Lowest level of safety risk, low level of training, no missions experience needed.

Level 2 – Lower level of safety risk, moderate level of training, overseas experience encouraged.

Level 3 – Higher level of safety risk, high level of training, overseas experience required.

If you are interested in learning more about one of our mission trips, or in being part of our host team for the fall Perspectives Class, please email us at