Jesus told his disciples, "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) We are incredibly excited to let you know about several opportunities this year to GROW in your faith and to GO for the sake of the gospel. If you are interested in any of the following trips, fill out the Interest Form below.
2025 Missions Opportunities:
Level 1
Guatemala - October 4-10 - Hosted by Awakening Hope, Led by Pastor Dusty
We will partner with an organization called Awakening Hope, whose work in Guatemala centers around building lasting relationships with the indigenous Mayan people. Awakening Hope and its Guatemalan branch, Mission Firefly, have been serving and equipping Mayan villages for the last 13 years. Their focus is on improving quality of life in four key areas: awakening hope through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, improving education for children, improving economic conditions, and through improving healthcare. During our trip, we will invest in 1-2 Mayan villages that the in-country team has begun to build relationships with over the last several years. If you are interested in serving in Guatemala, fill out the Interest Form below.
Level 2
Uganda– June 4-14, 2025 – Hosted by E3, Led by Pastor Chip
Our team will be traveling to Bweyale Uganda, to share the gospel and assist local pastors in following up with new disciples of Christ.
There will be a total of 4-5 training sessions to equip our team before the trip. These meetings will be a mixture of in-person and Zoom. Registration is now open. If you are interested in serving in Uganda, fill out the Interest Form below.
Level 3
SE Asia – November 6-16, 2025 – Hosted by E3, Led by Pastor Brian
We will be joining E3, traveling back to SE Asia to share the gospel. Almost a quarter of the people on earth live in SE Asia, yet, less than 1% of the population are Christians, with millions who have never heard the name of Jesus or the gospel. While this trip requires much sacrifice, both of time and money, it is also life-changing. We have seen entire villages come to faith, and generations of families freed from walking in darkness. The gospel is spreading, the church is growing, and the Kingdom is advancing in this country that has been trapped in darkness for centuries. If you are interested in serving in SE Asia, fill out the Interest Form below.
Level 1 – Lowest level of safety risk, low level of training, no missions experience needed.
Level 2 – Lower level of safety risk, moderate level of training, overseas experience encouraged.
Level 3 – Higher level of safety risk, high level of training, overseas experience required.