Lunches of Love is a ministry of Mission Firefly that The Brook has been partnering with for several years. Through it, we are currently providing healthy foods/snacks to 70+ underprivileged children at one of our local elementary schools. The children receive a bag of food each Friday to take home for the weekend. Many of these children receive free breakfast and lunch at school but may not have adequate amounts of food during the weekend.
Our next church-wide Family Packing Day is on Sunday, September 15, after the 10:45 service. You and your whole family are invited to join us in Building 4 as we pack bags of food for these precious kids. It’s a great way to show our kids how they can be involved in serving others!
For information about ways you can support Lunches of Love or join the Lunches of Love team, please contact Elizbeth Williams. We could not continue to provide the number of bags needed each week of the school year without your generosity!