Collide 2024

Register for Collide 2024 here. 

What is Collide? 

Collide is a weekend retreat we hold here at The Brook for all of our middle and high school students!

Students can look forward to a weekend of worship, teaching, fellowship, and fun! 

When is Collide? 

Collide will be taking place on Friday, January 12th - Sunday, January 14th 2024.

A full schedule will be released closer to the weekend. 

Where Will Students Stay? 

Students will be sleeping with other students of their same age and gender

in host homes graciously provided by members of The Brook.

They will be spending most of their time at The Brook,

but will sleep and eat a couple of meals in the host homes. 

How Much Does it Cost? 

From October 15th through October 22nd, the price is $75. After this, the price jumps up to $90 per student. 

Where Can I Find More Information? 

If you have any other questions, you can email